Посев хуёв

General Statistics

Total taboo words/phrases in text: 40

Total taboo categories in text: 5

This graph calculates the average deviation from the original sense of the word in the English translation. The higher the bar, the more censored the word.

The second graph shows the numer of times a word appears within a text.

Hover your mouse over the Russian words to see the English translation and the numerical average.

Degree of Censorship

fool , average = 0 дурак to fuck , average = 1 ебать asshole , average = 3 жопа to screw , average = 3 зажаривать where is needs to go , average = 0 куда надыть to bang , average = 2 нажаривать to finish off , average = 0 отрабатывать scoundrel , average = 0 подлец to shove , average = 2 совать son of a bitch , average = 2 сукин сын cock , average = 2.0869565217391304 хуй devil , average = 0 чёрт 0 1 2 3 4

Relative Frequency

4 , fool дурак 1 , to fuck ебать 2 , asshole жопа 1 , to screw зажаривать 1 , where is needs to go куда надыть 1 , to bang нажаривать 1 , to finish off отрабатывать 2 , scoundrel подлец 1 , to shove совать 1 , son of a bitch сукин сын 23 , cock хуй 2 , devil чёрт 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23